
Use Energy Trust materials to your advantage

Energy Trust offers a variety of fact sheets and case studies to help customers learn about energy efficiency and renewable energy. They range from specific information about incentives to overviews of successful projects. Most are available for download on our website.

As a trade ally, you can use our fact sheets and success stories to your advantage. They help explain your services along with potential incentives. With plenty of space to attach your business card, they’re perfect to hand out at home shows and other events.

Our cooling tip sheet is one great example. Now that warm weather is here, customers are looking for ways to stay cool while saving energy and keeping costs low. Attaching your business card can help customers remember you when they’re ready to make upgrades. They may even share the information, and your card, with family and friends.

If you have questions about Energy Trust marketing materials or need help navigating the website, contact your trade ally coordinator or call us at 1.866.368.7878.