
Phone system upgrades improve customer experience

Stock Traders Working At ComputersThis spring, Energy Trust launched a new Interactive Voice Response System, the automatic greeting and navigation instructions that customers hear when they call our main phone number. We receive 24,000 calls per year through this toll free number published throughout our website, on our marketing materials and in utility inserts.

Energy Trust designed the new system to help customers find the right information faster and offer a more consistent customer experience. We accomplished this by making menu options more intuitive to help customers navigate to the right destination more quickly. We also recorded a new voice to make the menus clearer and easier to understand.

Callers now experience a more seamless transition between their initial call and reaching the correct representative to assist them. We are tracking results and have already seen that customers are finding what they need 20 percent faster.

Trade allies will also experience these improvements when calling the Energy Trust trade ally hotline at 1.866.982.8769.

If you have questions or feedback about the new IVR improvements, please contact Tom Beverly, trade ally and customer service manager, at 503.445.7637.