Incentive updates effective January 1, 2015

Energy Trust updates incentives on January 1 of each year. The following changes will be effective January 1, 2015, and only apply to the Existing Homes program:

  • Windows—Tier 1 windows, currently U-Value of 0.26 to 0.30, will be modified to U-Value of 0.28-0.30, and the incentive will be reduced to $1.75 per square footfrom $2.25 per square foot. Tier 2 windows, currently U-Value of less than or equal to 0.25, will be modified to U-Value of less than or equal to 0.27, and the incentive will be increased to $4 per square foot from $3.50 per square foot.
  • Fireplaces—The incentive for tier 1 gas fireplaces with FE of 65 to 69 percent will be discontinued. The new incentive will be $250 for qualifying tier 1 gas fireplaces with FE of 70 to 74 percent, and $350 for qualifying tier 2 gas fireplaces with FE of 75 percent or greater.
  • Home Performance with ENERGY STAR®—The $150 Home Performance assessment incentive will be discontinued.
  • Water heaters—All incentives for electric resistance water heaters will be discontinued in 2015. Gas tank and heat pump water heater incentives will still be available.
  • Pool pumps—The incentive for qualifying pool pumps will be reduced to $200.

Starting January 1, 2015, you can find revised application forms on the Forms & Resources page and in the online application at

Existing Homes incentive changes effective January 1, 2015:

MeasureDetails2014 Incentive2015 Incentive
Tier 1 windows(2014) 0.26−0.30 U-Value
(2015) 0.28−0.30 U-Value
Tier 2 windows(2014) ≤ 0.25 U-Value
(2015) ≤ 0.27 U-Value
Tier 1 gas fireplace65-69% FE$200Discontinued
(New) Tier 1 gas fireplace70-74.9% FENone$250
(New) Tier 2 gas fireplace75% FE or greaterNone$350
Home Performance assessmentFor homes built in or before 1982$150Discontinued
Electric tank water heaterEF 0.93 or greater$35Discontinued
Electric tank water heaterEF 0.94 or greater$75Discontinued
Pool pumpENERGY STAR certified$350$200
Multiple upgrades incentiveFor two or more upgrades None$100