Help your customers access custom incentives

MF_custom_incentivesNot every energy-saving project falls neatly within our standard incentive structure, but Energy Trust custom incentives can help your customers receive cash incentives for these non-standard projects.

If your customer wants to invest in an energy-saving project that does not align with our standard incentives, contact the Multifamily team to determine if it may be eligible for custom incentives. Although custom incentives typically require additional analysis to estimate energy savings, many estimates can be completed in-house with minimal turnaround time.

Whether your project is small or large, Energy Trust can provide incentives up to 50 percent of the project cost if the project is cost-effective.

For more information about custom incentives, read more about out-of-the-box savings for multifamily properties or contact Nate Collins, trade ally coordinator, at 503.278.3075.