Heat Pump Water Heater Workshop
- This event has passed.
Energy Trust of Oregon and Southwest Washington and Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance are co-sponsoring this FREE heat pump water heater (HPWH) workshop.
This event will benefit:
- water heater installers
- plumbing & HVAC contractors
- builders
- water heating sales staff
- efficiency advocates
- anyone who wants to expand their knowledge and comfort level with heat pump water heaters
The event will feature presentations from ETO, NEEA, AO Smith, Bradford White, and Rheem, as well as an open forum for Q&A. Join us for the latest on code and incentive updates for Oregon and SW Washington, HPWH performance results in the “real world”, install guidance and technical expertise, and tips for converting leads to HPWH sales opportunities. Attendees are provided parking and lunch, can take part in giveaway raffles for Milwaukee tools, and can earn two units of continuing education credit from the Oregon Construction Contractors Board. Each company in attendance will also be granted one free voucher for a Water Heater Installer License Exam Preparation Class approved by the Oregon Building Codes Division (a $250 value). Please register using the provided link below, so we have enough lunches for everyone. Contact Ryan Hughes at ryan.hughes@clearesult.com or (503) 467-0975 with questions or for further information. Hope to see you there!