
New and improved Incentive Applications (Form 220) and an update to the Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) policy

As of October 29, 2019, the Energy Trust solar incentive application has been updated for all new application submissions in PowerClerk. The new form is designed to easily display information about the Energy Trust process, the proposed system, and project participants, as well as update the standard terms and conditions.

Update to Energy Trust’s REC Policy

The revised terms and conditions reflect an update in accordance with Energy Trust’s revised Board Policy on Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). The board policy states that for net metered solar projects smaller than 360 kW-AC that were verified after December 14, 2018, owners will maintain full ownership of the RECs over the lifespan of the system. Read more about RECs below, or find more information and answers to some commonly asked questions on the Energy Trust website.

What are RECs?

Renewable energy systems produce more than electricity. They also provide environmental, social and other non-power attributes. These additional benefits are called Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), and they are the mechanism that allows the REC-owner to claim that they are using renewable energy.

For every one megawatt hour of electricity generated by a renewable energy system, one REC is created. Previously, Energy Trust would hold a portion of the RECs for each system in trust for the customers of Portland General Electric and Pacific Power that funded the incentive which was paid. Under the new policy, system owners will maintain full ownership of the RECs over the lifespan of the system. The new policy simplifies the terms of the incentive application and allows the customer to continuously make renewable energy claims over the entire life of the system.

Find more information about Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) and answers to some commonly asked questions on the Energy Trust website.