Existing Multifamily

Energy Trust adjusts Savings Within Reach guidelines, extends temporary eligibility for customers impacted by COVID-19

Woman with contractor in home

Energy Trust of Oregon has refreshed the Savings Within Reach income requirement thresholds and is temporarily extending eligibility to customers who have experienced employment disruptions related to COVID-19.

Income minimum and maximum thresholds are updated in alignment with community action agency income guidelines and Oregon moderate income statutes in the affordable housing covenants. The following updated income guidelines went into effect July 1:

Household sizeUpdated Savings Within Reach minimum Updated Savings Within Reach maximum
1 person$25,760 $55,610
2 people$34,840$72,722
3 people$43,920$89,832
4 people$53,000$106,944
5 people$62,080$124,056
6 people$71,160 $141,166
7 people$80,240 $144,374
8 people$89,320$147,582

Temporary eligibility is extended for customers who have experienced employment disruptions related to COVID-19 and are still eligible to receive assistance from the local, state and/or federal government or are eligible to participate in a community-based emergency fund grant system. Examples of assistance programs include (but are not limited to):

This temporary eligibility will be in effect for installations through December 31. Updated forms will be distributed to trade allies enrolled in Savings Within Reach and Savings Within Reach on-bill loan repayment.

If you would like to participate in these offerings or have questions, contact us at 1.866.365.3526 or residentialta@energytrust.org.