Residential SW Washington

Marketing tip: Job site outreach

Your next customers could be right next door to your current job site. When a homeowner installs new windows or upgrades an HVAC system, it can often trigger neighbors to start thinking about similar improvements. Don’t miss opportunities to reach out to a potentially receptive audience and get reimbursed with business development funds for qualifying projects:

  • Ask to install a yard sign. Include a message along the lines of “Another quality installation by XYZ Company,” your contact information and the Energy Trust trade ally logo. A yard sign gets your name out there and invites neighbors to ask the homeowner about the project.
  • Use door hangers, postcards or letters. Prior to starting a project, send a notice to nearby homes explaining that your company will be working in the neighborhood. Offer to stop by for a free consultation. Mention Energy Trust incentives and any other available tax credits or rebates. You could even consider offering a limited-time neighborhood discount.
  • Check the appearance of your vehicle. Is it clearly marked with your company name and phone number? A clean, neat truck reinforces a professional, trustworthy image for your company.
  • Stop by on the weekend. Homeowners may be at work during the week when you are on the job site. A quick weekend stop gives you an opportunity to touch base with your customer and exposes your company to surrounding neighbors who may be home, perhaps working in the yard.
  • Ask for referrals. Once the job is complete and your customer is completely satisfied, ask if they have any friends or neighbors who might need similar work. Always leave several business cards for them to pass along if they hear of anyone looking for a contractor.