Earn extra incentives for installing efficient equipment

Energy Trust provides cash incentives and support to contractors who bring energy-efficient solutions to newly built homes. If you install a high-efficiency HVAC system or water heater, you can receive cash incentives for each qualifying piece of equipment.

To be eligible for incentives, you must be a participating Energy Trust trade ally contractor. Membership is free and the benefits include cash incentives, referrals, marketing materials and training opportunities for the latest energy-efficient technologies.

Energy Trust offers equipment incentives for newly built homes that do not already have an EPSTM. New homes that earn an EPS qualify for different incentives.

Energy Trust offers cash incentives for the following energy-efficient solutions:

  • Qualified ductless heat pump systems reduce heating and cooling costs by providing efficient zoning for individual rooms with smart controls and motion sensors, and by eliminating duct leakage.
  • Qualified heat pump water heaters more than double the efficiency of traditional electric tank water heaters by pulling heat from outside air and using it to heat water. This reduces the need for electric resistance heat. Most models include digital displays for easy adjusting, plus a vacation mode for further savings.
  • For a more traditional approach, ENERGY STAR® gas tank water heaters with an energy factor of 0.67 or better are also eligible for incentives and can provide long-term savings over standard models with a minimal increase in upfront cost.

Find out more about Energy Trust incentives for equipment in newly built homes here or call 1.877.283.0698.