08:09:13 From Scott Leonard to Everyone: morning everyone 08:09:23 From Eric O Falk, Energy Trust to Everyone: morning Scott. 08:09:28 From Nate Collins to Everyone: Morning 08:22:37 From Kate Wellington to Everyone: look at all those amazing backgrounds! 08:26:08 From Cameron Starr, Energy Trust to Everyone (in Waiting Room): Good morning everyone and thank you for joining us. We will be starting at 8:30am. 08:32:11 From Chelsey Kates, Energy Trust to Tom Beverly, Energy Trust(Direct Message): Hey Tom, can you ask folks to update their names to first and last name? to help with breakout assignments ? 08:40:22 From Tom Beverly, Energy Trust to Chelsey Kates, Energy Trust(Direct Message): Shoot! I didn't see the chat until after I was done. I'll ask when I come back up. 08:42:12 From Tim Kaiser to Everyone: Presumably these figures include retrofit work? 08:43:20 From Chelsey Kates, Energy Trust to Everyone: Hi Tim Kaiser - yes, these figures include retrofit work 08:52:53 From Chris to Everyone: on your website, seems a bit clunky trying to find the customer incentives. when you click on possible incentive, it seems to direct you to put in your information to find a trade ally and not to the incentives and requirements. I go to this at time to confirm incentives and it is a pain to locate. can this be streamlined for customers and even for us as allies 08:53:51 From Chelsey Kates, Energy Trust to Everyone: https://www.energytrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/HES_PI0320I.pdf 08:53:57 From Chelsey Kates, Energy Trust to Everyone: Residential Program Incentives 08:54:26 From Chelsey Kates, Energy Trust to Everyone: Multifamily incentive forms may be found here: https://insider.energytrust.org/programs/existing-multifamily/forms-and-resources/ 08:55:03 From Chelsey Kates, Energy Trust to Everyone: EPS New Construction Incentive Details: https://insider.energytrust.org/wp-content/uploads/enh_pg_nh_eps_prgoverview.pdf 08:55:17 From Royal Exteriors, LLC to Everyone: Are window incentives changing ins 2022 08:55:33 From Chelsey Kates, Energy Trust to Everyone: Please visit the Insider for resources built to support trade allies: https://insider.energytrust.org/ 08:56:08 From Chelsey Kates, Energy Trust to Everyone: Hi Royal Exteriors, windows incentives are not expected to change for 2022 for Home Retrofit or Multifamily. 08:56:28 From Chelsey Kates, Energy Trust to Everyone: The changes listed here today are the only 2022 changes planned for right now however incentive amounts are subject to change during 2022. 08:57:04 From Jonathan Moscatello to Everyone: Marshall- are there any plans to add a dual fuel rebate (gas furnace + heat pump)? Also, do you expect to see AC rebates going away as Oregons GHG reduction goals see policies put into place? 08:57:11 From Brad Hines to Everyone: I agree with Chris 08:57:26 From Brad Hines to Everyone: Much harder to see what is available 08:57:36 From Tom Beverly, Energy Trust to Everyone: If you haven't signed on with your full name, please be sure to change your name so we can assign you to your breakout. You can change your name by hovering your mouse pointer over your picture and clicking on the ellipsis (three dots). 'Rename' will be the last option that pops up. 08:58:36 From Maureen to Everyone: Agreed. The website is not as "helpful" as it was. 08:58:37 From Jennifer w/Stephens Heating to Everyone: 100% - very frustrated with info on the site 08:59:31 From Jennifer w/Stephens Heating to Everyone: Customers don't want to put their info in all the time to receive the information and the info changes and we are not always aware of it 08:59:53 From Nicole Diaz to Everyone: Incentive information should be easier to find with out the sales pitch of find a contractor forms ect. 09:00:02 From Jessica to Everyone: Agreed. The website is not as helpful as before 09:00:24 From Eric to Everyone: please listen to what Chris is saying 09:00:26 From Pamela Ruddock to Everyone: Hello everyone. This is great information as I know that a lot of our restaurants are in need of refrigeration units. Plus, SCOED has a loan program to help with this. 09:01:43 From Jennifer w/Stephens Heating to Everyone: Especially when there are so many different programs, I can't keep up 1/2 the time with what is changing 09:01:44 From Larry to Everyone: I agree withthem 09:03:26 From Chelsey Kates, Energy Trust to Everyone: Resources for trade allies - please see the available customer incentive fact sheets that you can provide to your customers: https://www.energytrust.org/fact-sheets/ 09:03:40 From Chelsey Kates, Energy Trust to Everyone: If you would like professionally printed copies, please reach out to your account manager. 09:03:40 From Rhonda Durham @ THPS to Everyone: Can’t do instant off on all programs can’t do multifamily anymore 09:04:12 From Maeve Hogan to Everyone: Are the fact sheets available in Spanish? 09:04:47 From Chelsey Kates, Energy Trust to Everyone: Yes, there are various Spanish translated fact sheets. Please do let your program rep know if there's a piece that would help your business to be translated! 09:05:19 From Chelsey Kates, Energy Trust to Everyone: Please reach out to your Account Manager if you need Spanish-language materials. 09:05:35 From Nicole Diaz to Everyone: The fact sheet has almost no information on rates residential window incentives. 09:06:01 From Brad Hines to Everyone: It would be nice for a customer to upgrade from an old gas furnace to a high efficiency heat pump and get incentives for both heating and air conditioning 09:07:08 From Chelsey Kates, Energy Trust to Everyone: Hi Nicole Diaz, the residential windows information was reduced due to space constraints, are there specific details on the PI sheets here: https://www.energytrust.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/HES_PI0320I.pdf 09:07:16 From Nicole Diaz to Everyone: Is there a better digital information sheet that can be sent to potential residential window customers that clarify how the incentive rates and application process work? 09:07:38 From Nate Merrill, Energy Trust of Oregon to Everyone: Business Development Funds: https://insider.energytrust.org/programs/home-retrofit/business-development-fund/ 09:07:47 From Larry Tachell to Everyone: Any future plans to bring back incentive for uprading current heat pumps? 09:08:40 From Opal’s iPhone to Everyone: I would like to know more about rental ductless heat pump promotion 2022 09:09:13 From Jason to Everyone: Any plans to bring back the portal so we can track incentive payments and catch missing paperwork quickly. 09:09:31 From Brad Hines to Everyone: Its a huge upgrade for our climate, because it essentially eliminates the need for electric backup heat, saving customers hundreds of dollars every winter. 09:09:57 From Alessandra de la Torre to Everyone: Regarding Spanish materials: I work for a community organization who will be doing outreach to let residents know what incentives are/ will become available. We don’t have an account manager or a program rep, who would we contact for Spanish materials needed? 09:10:13 From Lyn Schmidt to Everyone: What can we expect for Existing Building incentives for 2022? Will the caps be lifted? 09:10:48 From Cameron Starr, Energy Trust to Everyone: Chris - good morning. I manage our Customer Experience and Trade Ally Team at Energy Trust. I would love to connect on your feedback regarding the website and use that to improve to make it easier for customers and allies. My email is cameron.starr@energytrust.org and would love to connect. 09:11:40 From Wendy Gibson, she/her to Everyone: Hi Lyn - We have budgeted to increase caps in 2022. We will know in December. We will also be doing a commercial trade ally webinar at the beginning of January for those that are interested in the commercial space. 09:11:58 From Opal’s iPhone to Everyone: Thanks that helps. 09:13:17 From Mike's Heating to Everyone: can you send the updated incentive changes for 2022? 09:13:24 From Chelsey Kates, Energy Trust to Everyone: Hi Alessandra de la Torre - can you tell us more about the Community Organization you work with and we'll reach out to you directly with more resources? 09:13:38 From Chelsey Kates, Energy Trust to Everyone: Thanks for your question on the TA Portal, that is not currently planned come back. Please reach out to residentialta@energytrust.org for project status reports. 09:13:47 From Karen Chase - Energy Trust of Oregon to Tom Beverly, Energy Trust(Direct Message): Hi Tom - did you address the Q from Brad re switching out old gas furnace to high efficiency heat pump? Also - re Allesandra's Q on Spanish language - could mention Emma's Senior role for outreach, and we're working on more Spanish language collateral 09:14:37 From Chelsey Kates, Energy Trust to Everyone: Thanks Hannah! 09:14:50 From Tom Beverly, Energy Trust to Karen Chase - Energy Trust of Oregon(Direct Message): Thanks, Karen! We're running short on time, so we may have to answer offline. 09:14:53 From Jason to Everyone: thats tough on 60 plus projects. 09:15:21 From Alessandra de la Torre to Everyone: Hey Chelsey, Nate is helping me get connected with a local rep down here in the Rogue Valley, thanks 09:16:06 From Chelsey Kates, Energy Trust to Everyone: Hi Mike's Heating - the updated incentive changes for 2022 will be sent out to everyone attending via the Insider in the November issue ~mid month. 09:16:49 From Eric O Falk, Energy Trust to Everyone: morning 09:30:07 From Tom Beverly, Energy Trust to Ashley Prentice, Energy Trust(Direct Message): Can you make Hannah a co-host so she can record in the Solar session? 09:30:12 From Tom Beverly, Energy Trust to Ashley Prentice, Energy Trust(Direct Message): I can't seem to do it. 09:35:27 From matt curtis-ochoco heating and cooling to Everyone: matt curtis 09:36:10 From matt curtis-ochoco heating and cooling to Everyone: matt curtis-ochoco heating and cooling ochocohvac21@gmail.com 09:42:23 From Ansen Engstrom Tri-Tech Heating to Everyone: would like to move to residental updats codes 09:42:58 From Trisha Ridenour to Everyone: Will you move me to repayment 09:43:05 From Marissa Rios to Everyone: Residential updates please 10:00:50 From Dan Wildenhaus - EPS New Construction to Everyone: Hey Pedro! Yes, in theory, the air handler can be included in the 5% exception for THIS CODE CYCLE ONLY. It will likely be removed for the next cycle. 10:03:02 From Chelsey Kates, Energy Trust to Everyone: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sizing-air-conditioning-in-the-new-northwest-tickets-181987167517 10:04:04 From Eric O Falk, Energy Trust to Everyone: We will upload the recordings in the next month i believe. i can send them to you when they are uploaded to the website. 10:04:42 From jeff gill to Everyone: hey Bruce 10:06:36 From Chelsey Kates, Energy Trust to Everyone: Reminder - Please register for this training if you'd like to receive CEU credits for this training here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sizing-air-conditioning-in-the-new-northwest-tickets-181987167517 10:07:10 From Chelsey Kates, Energy Trust to Everyone: Please also update your name in zoom so I can match up your full name, company name to your registration and can send you your CEU credits. 10:07:48 From Brad Hines, Three RIvers Heating and Cooling to Everyone: hahah that was great 10:08:38 From Jennifer w/Stephens Heating to Everyone: O wow! 10:15:09 From Larry Tachell to Everyone: Anything over 85 in Port Angeles, people freak out 10:20:17 From John Karasaki - PGE to Everyone: IR camera attachments for phones are pretty cheap now. Fast way to check if sealing and insulating is effective 10:28:54 From Brad Hines, Three RIvers Heating and Cooling to Everyone: oh good another toy to buy 10:29:00 From Rhonda Durham @ THPS to Everyone: 20 10:29:08 From Larry Tachell to Everyone: 1% 10:29:09 From Doug McCabe to Everyone: 10 10:29:15 From John Karasaki - PGE to Everyone: 5% 10:29:17 From matt curtis-ochoco heating and cooling to Everyone: 15-20 10:29:23 From Shawn O'Neill to Everyone: 10% 10:38:18 From John Karasaki - PGE to Everyone: second floor dilemma is almost always best solved by installing a single head DHP up there and sizing the ducted HP to serve only the rest of the load. Likely that is all the existing ductwork can handle anyway. 10:43:54 From Tim Davis to Everyone: What is the age of the "older equipment" you are referencing? 10:45:37 From John Karasaki - PGE to Everyone: Some of the legacy inverter HPs have a turn down floor of 40%. So if you 2x the size, it will typically run at 80% capacity so a crazy amount of cycling. 10:47:12 From Cameron Starr, Energy Trust to Tom Beverly, Energy Trust(Direct Message): Can you capture the chat at the end? I am going to connect with Mana on the website. 10:52:46 From Chelsey Kates, Energy Trust to Everyone: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sizing-air-conditioning-in-the-new-northwest-tickets-181987167517 10:53:06 From Kenton Oliver to Everyone: Thank you! 10:53:10 From Chelsey Kates, Energy Trust to Everyone: residentialta@energytrust.org 10:55:26 From Shaun Hassel to Everyone: I hear you that 24/7 run time of the system isn't great. But in our climate how important is airflow to occupant comfort when cooling? New versus existing homes? 10:56:48 From Eric O Falk to Everyone: http://hvac.betterbuiltnw.com/Account/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f 10:56:54 From Eric O Falk to Everyone: sizing tool sign in 10:57:43 From John Karasaki - PGE to Everyone: Remember, if you sell IAQ products, those products are only working while air if flowing through the ducts. Have to balance energy, comfort, health, etc. 10:58:55 From Scott Lineburger to Everyone: If ducts are not in the attic then 24/7 is fine? 10:59:11 From Larry Tachell to Everyone: I though you were going to talk about the new codes for new contruction. I don't have a mic 11:00:28 From Chelsey Kates, Energy Trust to Everyone: Hi Larry, the new code for new construction was a breakout session from 9:15-10